Guest Post: The Faithful Servant


Hey, friends! So excited to have my friend Ali on my blog! Enjoy reading this short story!

By Ali Timmer

Faithful stared out of her window, watching as the Servants Of The King Of Life, the ones who worked at His Palace, hummed merrily on their way to work. Faithful straightened her shoulders, and took a deep breath. Tomorrow, at this time, she would hopefully be joining those Servants. The King had done so much for her, by making this safe nation where she, a widow, could find her refuge. The King had often talked with her, as he tried to do with all of his newcomers. 

She hoped for a job as the Head Chef. Faithful was a righteous and kind woman, but when she came to apply for a job in the kitchen at the palace, the officials said 

“You must first prove yourself faithful in very little before we can put you in a higher poison.” 

So they put her to wash dishes and help clean in the kitchen. 

At this time there was also another woman named Dishonor who also applied for a kitchen job at the palace. But when the officials replied to her in the same way they replied to the first woman, she cried,

 “I can handle more than a few dishes! Let me be the Head Chef!”

The officials debated whether or not to let the woman even work there. Finally, they allowed Dishonor to be one of the Servants, but they did not give her the title of Head Chef. “Perhaps her attitude will change,” they muttered.

A few days later, Faithful was washing dishes with Dishonor, when Faithful said to Dishonor,  

“What a wonderful day!It’s a wonderful day, isn’t it?”

 “What’s so ‘wonderful’ about it, when we have to stand here, washing other people’s dishes?!” Dishonor snapped. 

“I’m sorry you’re not enjoying your day,” said Faithful gently.

“Washing dishes is easy.! It’s just boring! Why, I have the skills of the head of the Palace Kitchens. But no, they had to put me as a dishwasher!” Dishonor threw her soapy hands up in exasperation.  Faithful dried her hands on the towel and put a hand on Dishonor’s shoulder.

“You know, I’m sorry you feel that way, but whoever, ‘is faithful in very little, is faithful in very much, and whoever dishonors little, dishonors much.’ Don’t you know that wise saying? Jesus said it.” asked Faithful. 

“No. And I don’t care what this Jesus man has to do with anything!” screamed Dishonor. “It’s not fair!  I deserve the position more than anyone!  I should be Head Chef! Not standing here working!”

When the officials heard what had happened, they fired Dishonor. In time, Faithful was proven righteous before the officials. One week, they made her the Head Chef.

With God’s help, she ruled the kitchen wisely and lovingly. 

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much….”

-Luke 16:10