Jubilee photo

Jubilee Anderson

Jubilee’s first story was a continuation of her favorite children’s book in which a rabbit grew up, turned into a fairy, and was crowned queen of the universe!

When she fell in love with the pen, she also discovered the book. Jubilee voyaged to Middle Earth, Narnia, Er’Rets, and Carthya all before the age of 14, and continues to explore far off lands accessible through novels today.

From her home deep in the heart of Texas, with her parents, 5 siblings, and way too many chickens, Jubilee strives to write medieval teen fantasy that shines Truth from cover to cover. If you would like to receive a free digital copy of Knightfall, a medieval fantasy novella about the journey of a young knight, subscribe to her newsletter below!

My favorite…

  • Series: LotR, Blood of Kings Trilogy, The Ascendance Series
  • Stand-Alone: The Weeping Knight by Lauren Hildebrand
  • Movies: Lord of the Rings, The Princess Bride
  • Song: My Love Has Gone Across the Sea by Andrew Peterson
  • Meme: Anything LotR. I have a whole doc full of them.
  • Other favorites: Family, Silkie chickens, the color blue, peaches, notebooks & pens, shirts with writing jokes on them.

What are your favorites?

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